Zcl coin market cap


The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl circulating currently. It has a circulating supply of 10,899,097,380 ZIL coins and a max. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #52, zcl coin market cap with a market cap of $732,763,627 USD. Zilliqa price today is. The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl

The 24-hour price movement chart indicates that $7,598 worth of ZCL were trading. The price peaked to $1.1558 in the last 24 hours while the lowest price was $0.9761. ZClassic Price Prediction With 5-Years ZClassic Price Forecast List of ZClassic (ZCL) exchanges with real-time price comparison where you can buy, sell or trade ZCL for other currencies and crypto coins. ZClassic (ZCL) Exchanges - Buy, Sell & Trade | CoinCodex Total Market Cap: M. Cap: $ 1.57T (5.3%) Get the latest ZClassic price, live ZCL price chart, historical data, market cap, news, and other vital information to help you with ZClassic trading and investing. ZClassic (ZCL) is a cryptocurrency. Users are able to generate ZCL through the process of mining. ZClassic has a current supply of 9,121,629.79.

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ZClassic has a current supply of 9,118,654.8. The last known price of ZClassic is 0.32926064 USD and is down -10.31 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 4 active market(s) with $38,718.73 traded over the last 24 hours. Get the latest ZClassic price, ZCL market cap, trading pairs, charts and data today from the world’s number one cryptocurrency price-tracking website Zcl Market Cap. One ZClassic coin can now be bought for about $0.42 or 0.00001043 BTC on cryptocurrency exchanges.

It has a circulating supply of 7.3 million coins and ranked as #675 with $2.1 million market cap. ATH (All Time High) price recorded in our base is $213.02 (3 Year 1 Month Ago), for the previous 52 weeks lowest and highest price for ZCL was $0.0676074 and $0.9685967.

Zcl coin market cap

Check bitcoin multi signature out the Zilliqa price and market capitalization online at Coin360.com Zilliqa Price Coin Market Cap ranked by 24hr trading volume, Cryptocurrency Market Cap, Coinmarketcap and Crypto Market Cap..$2.9 M. ZClassic (CURRENCY:ZCL) traded 14.6% lower against the dollar during the 1-day period ending at 20:00 PM E.T. Zilliqa Market Overview ZClassiccurrent market price is $0.28594492with a marketcap of $2,603.52K. The total available supply of ZClassicis $9.10M ZCLand secured Rank 437in the cryptocurrency market. ZCLprice is -12.29%down in last 24 hours. The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl circulating currently.

Earn up to 12% APY on Bitcoin, Ethereum, USD, EUR, GBP, Stablecoins & more. Start Earning Market Cap $2,626,220 Circulating Supply 9,138,359 ZCL.

The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #1187, with a live market cap of $2,545,167 USD. It has a circulating supply of 9,137,291 ZCL coins and a max.

Discover info about market cap, trading volume and supply. ZClassic (ZCL) Market Cap Reaches $2.01 Million Posted by Joseph McCarthy on Aug 29th, 2020 ZClassic (CURRENCY:ZCL) traded down 0.1% against the U.S. dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 10:00 AM ET on August 29th.

Zcl coin market cap

The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #52, zcl coin market cap with a market cap of $732,763,627 USD. Zilliqa price today is. The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl Zclassic (ZCL) is an open source and decentralized digital currency which began as a solution to the excessive founder’s reward fee for miners of Zcash. The Zclassic project is a fork of Zcash, and operates on the exact same parameters – the one exception being that miners get to keep all of their rewards, rather than lose 20% to the The global crypto market cap is $1.69T, a 1.33 % increase over the last day. Read more The total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $128.13B , which makes a 3.56 % decrease. Complete cryptocurrency market coverage with live coin prices, charts and crypto market cap featuring 4884 coins on 237 exchanges. ZClassic price today is $0.2131 with a 24-hour trading volume of $18.11 K and market cap of $1.93 M. ZCL price changed by 10.7% in the last hour, 3.04% in the last 24 hours, and 53.05% in the last week. ZClassic reached an all-time high of $247.39 on Jan 07, 2018.

Watchlist, alerts & price levels predictions - use or lose. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #1187, with a live market cap of $2,545,167 USD. It has a circulating supply of 9,137,291 ZCL coins and a max. supply of 11,462,487 ZCL coins.The top exchanges for trading in ZClassic are currently Finexbox, Hotbit, STEX, and Dove Wallet. You can find others listed on our crypto exchanges page. ZClassic price today is $0.27118100 USD, which is down by -3.45% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly dip by -1.84%.

The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl circulating currently. It has a circulating supply of 10,899,097,380 ZIL coins and a max. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #52, zcl coin market cap with a market cap of $732,763,627 USD. Zilliqa price today is. The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl Zclassic (ZCL) is an open source and decentralized digital currency which began as a solution to the excessive founder’s reward fee for miners of Zcash. The Zclassic project is a fork of Zcash, and operates on the exact same parameters – the one exception being that miners get to keep all of their rewards, rather than lose 20% to the The global crypto market cap is $1.69T, a 1.33 % increase over the last day. Read more The total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $128.13B , which makes a 3.56 % decrease.

ZClassic price today is $0.27118100 USD, which is down by -3.45% over the last 24 hours. There has been an hourly dip by -1.84%. ZClassic’s market cap currently sits at $2,475,430.00 USD, holding up for a market cap rank at #1206. Live ZClassic prices from all markets and ZCL coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest ZClassic price movements and forum discussion.

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Get the ZClassic price live now - ZCL price is down by -3.49% today. (ZCL/CAD), stock, chart, prediction, exchange, candlestick chart, coin market cap, historical data/chart, volume, supply, value, rate & …

The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #52, zcl coin market cap with a market cap of $732,763,627 USD. Zilliqa price today is. The market cap of ZClassic is USD 2,421,131 with 9,094,137 zcl Zclassic (ZCL) is an open source and decentralized digital currency which began as a solution to the excessive founder’s reward fee for miners of Zcash. The Zclassic project is a fork of Zcash, and operates on the exact same parameters – the one exception being that miners get to keep all of their rewards, rather than lose 20% to the The global crypto market cap is $1.69T, a 1.33 % increase over the last day. Read more The total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $128.13B , which makes a 3.56 % decrease.

The market cap of ZClassic is USD 1,466,166 with 9,054,397 zcl circulating currently. The 24-hour price movement chart indicates that $7,598 worth of ZCL were trading. The price peaked to $1.1558 in the last 24 hours while the lowest price was $0.9761. ZClassic Price Prediction With 5-Years ZClassic Price Forecast

ZClassic's market cap currently  In comparison, the Bitcoin market cap is as high as $421,832,857,930.38 USD! According to our research, the total circulating supply of ZClassic is 9,054,624 ZCL  Earlier today Coin Market Cap removed Korean exchanges from their coin price of coins such as Bitcoin BTC, Ethereum ETH, Tron TRX and ZClassic ZCL,  ZClassic is a mineable coin that is presently priced at $0.230497, and has the market capitalization of $1 831 899, which puts it on the 190 place in the global  Track current ZClassic prices in real-time with historical ZCL USD charts, liquidity market cap -.

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